BIPoC Ukraine and Friends in Germany
20 June, 2022
Nancy Faeser
Dienstsitz Berlin
Alt-Moabit 140
10557 Berlin
Open Letter to the Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser
Dear Minister Faeser,
On the occasion of World Refugee Day and referring to our letter of June 15, we turn to you again with the urgent request and demand to enable and enforce the following:
- The inclusion of all third country nationals with significant connections to Ukraine in §24 Residence Act.
- The individual verification of the connection to Ukraine by and if necessary in the last instance by certified affidavit.
- To reliably conduct fair proceedings in accordance with the above required regulations and to take the necessary measures for this purpose
We know that in the past you have advocated for equal treatment of ALL refugees fleeing Ukraine. Many of us are very interested in contributing our skills here if given the opportunity and we hope to be able to convince you that this is the right, just and necessary way to go.
We would also like to meet with you and tell you personally about our experiences.
Hoping for your support we remain with kind regards
BIPoC Ukraine & Friends in Germany